USMLE Step 2 Practice Questions


Are you getting ready to take the USMLE Step 2 exam? It is important to comprehensively understand the test and prepare adequately. To help you prepare for the exam, this article explores a few USMLE step 2 practice questions. Test your knowledge and brush up on any topics that might be challenging. Good luck!


Step 2 CK evaluates a candidate’s capacity to utilize medical knowledge, skills, and comprehension of clinical science necessary for delivering patient care under supervision. It also highlights the importance of health promotion and disease prevention.

Understanding the Format and Scope

The USMLE Step 2 comprises two sections: Clinical Knowledge (CK) and Clinical Skills (CS). The CK portion, which focuses on the questions we’ll discuss here, tests the examinee’s medical knowledge through multiple-choice questions. These questions assess the ability to diagnose and manage various conditions across different medical specialties.

How does USMLE STRIKE Help You Study for Step 2 CK?

USMLE Strike is a targeted study tool designed for USMLE Step 2 CK preparation. It offers customized study plans tailored to your test date and areas of strength or weakness. The platform provides high-yield content essential for the exam, supplemented with extensive USMLE step 2 practice questions and simulated exams to familiarize you with the test format. Performance tracking tools help identify areas needing improvement, while expert-led video tutorials clarify complex concepts. Additionally, peer and expert forums offer further learning support. With mobile accessibility, USMLE Strike ensures that you can study efficiently and effectively, keeping up-to-date with the latest medical guidelines.

USMLE Step 2 Sample Questions

Are you ready to test your knowledge? Here are some USMLE step 2 questions to help you prepare for the exam. These USMLE step 2 practice questions cover a range of topics, such as clinical skills, physiology, and pharmacology.

  • From history taking to treatment plans, these usmle step 2 practice questions will provide a comprehensive review of the material that can be found on the USMLE Step 2.
  • So put your medical knowledge to the test and use these sample USMLE Step 2 practice questions to get one step closer to achieving success in your studies!
  • When broadly evaluating the competency of an individual the usmle step 2 questions are based on the below subjects as per the Step 2 CK Physician Task.
  • There are many other subjects accordingly but here in this article mentioned a few. If you want to know more can visit the USMLE Strike website: –
    • Patient Care: History and Physical Exam
    • Patient Care: Laboratory/Diagnostic Studies
    • Patient Care: Diagnosis
    • Patient Care: Prognosis/Outcome
    • Patient Care: Health Maintenance/Disease Prevention
    • Patient Care: Pharmacotherapy
    • Patient Care: Clinical Interventions
    • Patient Care: Mixed Management
    • Practice-based Learning & Improvement
    • Professionalism
    • Systems-based Practice & Patient Safety
    • Medical Knowledge: Applying Foundational Science Concepts

Step 2 CK Test Content

Content AreaPercentage Range
General Principles of Foundational Science2-4%
Immune System3-5%
Blood & Lymphoreticular Systems4-6%
Behavioral Health6-8%
Nervous System & Special Senses6-8%
Musculoskeletal, Skin & Subcutaneous Tissue6-10%
Cardiovascular System8-10%
Respiratory System7-9%
Gastrointestinal System7-9%
Renal & Urinary Systems & Male Reproductive4-6%
Pregnancy, Childbirth, & the Puerperium4-6%
Female Reproductive System & Breast4-6%
Endocrine System4-6%
Multisystem Processes & Disorders4-6%
Biostatistics & Epidemiology/Population Health3-5%
Social Sciences (Legal/Ethical Issues & Professionalism/Systems-based Practice & Patient Safety)10-15%

Step 2 CK Physician Task/Competency Specifications

Task ComponentPercentage Range
Patient Care: Diagnosis
Laboratory/Diagnostic Studies13-17%
Patient Care: Management
Clinical Interventions6-10%
Systems-based Practice/Patient Safety5-7%
Practice-based Learning & Improvement3-5%

Step 2 CK Discipline Specifications

DisciplinePercentage Range
Obstetrics & Gynecology10-20%
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Few Sample USMLE Step 2 Practice Questions:

Patient Care: Diagnosis: Question 1

An x-ray of the left knee identifies calcification of the synovium. Which are related to likely diagnosis?

(A) Deep venous thrombosis

(B)    Gonorrhea

(C)    Gout

(D)   Hemarthrosis

(E)    Pseudogout

(F)    Septic arthritis

(Answer: E)

Patient Safety: Question 2

A woman around 45 years old is hospitalized due to Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis with persistent bacteremia. During his clinical round, a pharmacy student notices that the patient skipped two doses of her scheduled antibiotic last week but is unsure why.

The physician and health provider are not informed of these missed doses, and the student does not mention her observation. Which of the following measures is most likely to improve communication within this interdisciplinary healthcare team?

(A) Encourage questions from all team members

(B) Implement a checklist for standardizing patient rounds

(C) Use computers during rounds to review medications

(Answer: A)

Question 3

A 10-year-old boy returns for a follow-up checkup two days after visiting the emergency department due to hives, hoarseness, and light-headedness following a bee sting. The symptoms started 15 minutes post-sting, lasted about 60 minutes, and resolved without treatment. Notably, this is the third bee sting in the past year, with each reaction escalating in severity. Despite a normal examination, what would be the most suitable recommendation to prevent potential future complications and fatalities associated with this condition?

(A) Avoid areas known to have bees

(B) Avoid wearing colorful clothing outside

(C) Carrying diphenhydramine tablets

(D) Carrying self-injectable epinephrine

(E) Seek immediate medical attention following any future sting

(Answer: D)

There are only a few of the questions that are discussed here. If you want to know more about the questions set then kindly visit the USMLE Strike website.

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USMLE Step 2 Eligibility

USMLE Step 2 Eligibility, a student must be enrolled in or a graduate of a medical school listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools (WDOMS). U.S. and Canadian students must attend schools accredited by the LCME or AOA. International students must meet ECFMG certification requirements. Preparation involves studying clinical knowledge across subjects like internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, psychiatry, and obstetrics and gynecology. Using review books, question banks, and practice exams can help students understand and apply medical knowledge effectively for patient care.

Tips For Answering The USMLE Step 2 Practice Questions

When answering the usmle step 2 practice questions, take your time and read each question carefully. Be sure to consider all of the information given in the question, as well as any related topics that may be connected to it. It’s also good practice to come up with a few possible answers before deciding on the one you think is best suited for the situation.

  • Make sure you understand why each answer is correct or incorrect so that when you get to the actual USMLE Step 2 exam, you can confidently select the right answer.
  • Lastly, don’t forget to use common sense and draw on your own experiences whenever possible!


In these few sample USMLE Step 2 practice questions offer a great way for medical students to test their knowledge and assess their preparedness for the exam. With these questions as a guide, aspiring physicians can identify areas of weakness and reinforce their current understanding of key topics.

Read Also: USMLE Step 2 Exam

Frequently Asked Questions

USMLE Step 2 is generally considered to be less difficult than Step 1, but it still requires significant effort and preparation. Step 2 consists of two parts: Clinical Knowledge (CK) and Clinical Skills (CS). CK covers diagnosis and management of clinical conditions and has a similar format to Step 1, while CS assesses clinical skills through standardized patient encounters. The difficulty of usmle step 2 questions may vary as per the individual strengths and weaknesses, but with proper preparation, many students are able to pass Step 2.

Opinions on the difficulty of USMLE Step 2 vary, but generally, many students find it easier than Step 1. Step 2 CK focuses more on clinical application of knowledge rather than pure memorization of facts, which some students find more intuitive and easier to apply. Additionally, the passing score for Step 2 is lower than Step 1, which may suggest that it is easier. However, the exam of usmle step 2 questions is still comprehensive and covers a wide range of medical topics, so it requires diligent preparation and practice to succeed.

The usmle step 2 questions consists of 318 multiple-choice questions. The exam is divided into eight 1-hour blocks, with a total of 45 minutes of break time allowed between blocks. The Clinical Skills (CS) exam consists of 12 patient encounters, which are designed to assess your ability to communicate with patients, take a medical history, and perform a physical exam.    

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