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Cleft Lip and Palate

Snapshot – Cleft Lip and Palate Introduction Cleft lip and palate are congenital conditions

Umbilical Cord and Remnants

Normal Anatomy (Umbilical Cord and Remnants) Abnormalities Introduction – Umbilical Cord and Remnants The


Teratogens are substances or factors that can disrupt normal fetal development during pregnancy, leading

CNS Development

CNS development (week 3)  neuroectoderm (a subtype of ectoderm) → neural plate → brain

CNS Abnormalities

Forebrain Anencephaly failure of anterior neuropore to close resulting in failure of brain and calvarium

Cardiac Development

Overview Heart development 5 dilatations along primitive heart tube forms into adult heart structures

Stages of Development

Age Gross Motor Fine Motor Communication Cognitive Infant   2 months Holds head up when

Genital Embryology

Week 1-6 embryo is sexually indifferent genetically male and female embryos are phenotypically the same

Branchial Apparatus

Overview  Branchial apparatus (pharyngeal apparatus) branchial clefts (branchial grooves) derived from ectoderm located between

GI Embryology

Overview Developmental derivatives foregut (supplied by celiac trunk) → pharynx to duodenum midgut (supplied by