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Medical Error Analysis

Snapshot An academic medical center had 15 cases of adenovirus infection amongst patients on

Interventional Studies

Overview Interventional studies are prospective studies designed to evaluate the direct impact of therapies

Health Insurance

Overview Medicare and Medicaid  Federal social insurance programs were created as part of the Social

Level of Evidence

Introduction Evidence-based medicine (EBM) involves using data derived from the scientific method to improve

Quality and Safety

Adverse Events Adverse events are injury due to medical or surgical treatment and can be divided

Disease Prevention

Disease Prevention: Individual Level 1° (Primary prevention)  prevent disease occurrence e.g., vaccination 2° (Secondary prevention)   early

Measures of Disease Frequency

Introduction Overview incidence and prevalence are methods of measuring disease frequency in a population

Measures of Association

Overview Measures of association quantify relationships between variables In medicine and public health, measures

Statistical Measures

Standard Deviation vs. Standard Error n = sample size Sigma (σ) = standard deviation

Statistical Distribution

Descriptive Statistics Mean average of all observation mean = (sum of all observations)/(sample size)