
Drug Interactions

Overview P450 Inducers P450 Inhibitors St. John’s WortPhenytoinBarbituratesRifampinGriseofulvinCarbamazepine EfavirenzModafinilCyclophosphamideBroccoli, brussel sprouts, and char-grilled meatsEthanol Tricyclic

Ganglionic Blockers

Overview Ganglionic Blockers Ganglionic blockers, also known as ganglionic blocking agents, are a class

Elimination of Drugs

Overview Elimination of drugs  rate of elimination is rate of disappearance of active molecules from


Competitive vs. noncompetitive antagonist (Pharmacodynamics) Agonist vs. partial agonist Synergism & Potentiation Overview Pharmacodynamics

Efficacy vs. Potency

Overview (Efficacy vs. Potency) Efficacy vs. Potency Efficacy and potency are two important concepts

Salicylate/Aspirin Overdose

Snapshot Introduction (Salicylate/Aspirin Overdose) Presentation Studies Differential Treatment Treatment for salicylate overdose typically involves

Therapeutic Index

Overview Therapeutic Index The therapeutic index (TI), also known as the therapeutic window, is

Autonomic Pathways

Introduction – Autonomic Pathways The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is the part of the


Alpha-Blockers Drug Clinical Applications Toxicity Nonselective α-Blockers Phenoxybenzamine (irreversible, preferred)   • Pheochromocytoma • High catecholamine states

Drug Excretion

Overview – Drug Excretion Weak acids and bases Drug Excretion Drug excretion refers to