Bile Secretion


  • Bile
    • necessary for digestion and absorption of lipids in gastrointestinal system
    • synthesized and secreted by liver, stored in gallbladder
  • Bile composition
    • bile salts
      • synthesis
        • cholesterol → primary bile acids → secondary bile acids → bile salts
      • conjugation
        • liver conjugates bile acids with amino acids (glycine, taurine) to form bile salts
        • conjugation changes pKs of bile acids, increasing water solubility
      • function
        • emulsification of dietary lipids
        • formation of micelles with products of lipid digestion
    • bile pigments
      • e.g., bilirubin
    • cholesterol
    • phospholipids
    • electrolytes (aka ions)
  • water

Bile Secretion

  • Secretory pathway
    • cholecystokinin (CCK)
      • stimulates (1) contraction of gallbladder and (2) relaxation of sphincter of Oddi 
        • bile flows gallbladder → duodenum
          • bile emulsifies and solubilizes dietary lipids in small intestine