
Blotting Procedures

  • Function
    • probe for specific substance in solution
      • Southern blot – used to analyze DNA
        • normally used to examine the presence of a particular DNA sequence
        • remember: Southern Dixieland
      • Northern blot – used to analyze RNA
        • normally used to examine gene expression
      • Western blot (immunoblot) – used to analyze protein
  • Process
    • run a gel electrophoresis to separate the components of the solution
    • bands are transferred (“blotted”) to a filter/membrane
    • radiolabeled or fluorescently labeled probe is incubated with the membrane
      • Southern blot – 32P-DNA 
      • Northern blot – 32P-DNA
      • Western blot – enzyme-linked or 131I antibody
    • specific probe binds with high specificity to DNA/RNA segment or protein of interest
    • membrane is visualized under conditions to illuminate the probe
  • Clinical use
    • restriction length polymorphism (RFLP)
      • can be used for genetic testing
      • based on the principle that individuals have unique/heritable variations in RFLPs
        • loss or gain of a restriction site changes the fragment lengths after digestion by an endonuclease
        • variation provided in part by variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs)
      • Southern blot used to visualize results
      • ex.) testing for sickle-cell anemia
        • wild type (wt) gene contains a restriction site in the gene fragment
        • sickle cell (sc) gene lacks this restriction site
        • the diagnostic results following a Southern blot
          • wt homozygote would have only medium and small fragments
          • heterozygote would have large, medium and small fragments
          • sc homozygote would have only large fragments
    • gene expression profiling
      • measure whether a particular region of DNA is being expressed
      • Northern blot used to visualize results
      • ex.) testing for fragile X syndrome
        • ↓ expression of FMR1 gene
  • trinucleotide repeat disorder

Blotting – Introduction

Blotting is a laboratory technique used to detect specific DNA, RNA, or protein molecules in a sample. This technique is widely used in molecular biology and is an important topic for the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination). Blotting techniques involve transferring molecules from a gel to a membrane and then using specific probes to detect the target molecules.


There are several types of blotting techniques used in molecular biology, including:

  1. Southern blotting: This technique is used to detect specific DNA sequences in a sample. The DNA is first separated by gel electrophoresis and then transferred to a membrane, where it is probed with a labeled DNA probe complementary to the target sequence.
  2. Northern blotting: This technique is used to detect specific RNA molecules in a sample. The RNA is first separated by gel electrophoresis and then transferred to a membrane, where it is probed with a labeled RNA probe complementary to the target molecule.
  3. Western blotting: This technique is used to detect specific protein molecules in a sample. The proteins are first separated by gel electrophoresis and then transferred to a membrane, where they are probed with a labeled antibody that binds specifically to the target protein.
  4. Eastern blotting: This technique is used to detect specific post-translational modifications of proteins, such as glycosylation. The proteins are first separated by gel electrophoresis and then transferred to a membrane, where they are probed with a lectin or antibody that specifically recognizes the modified protein.
  5. Far-western blotting: This technique is used to detect protein-protein interactions. The proteins are first separated by gel electrophoresis and then transferred to a membrane, where they are probed with a labeled protein that specifically binds to the target protein.

Overall, blotting techniques are important tools in molecular biology for detecting and studying specific DNA, RNA, and protein molecules in a sample.


Blotting techniques are used in molecular biology to detect and analyze specific DNA, RNA, or protein molecules in a sample. These techniques involve transferring the biomolecules from a gel matrix onto a membrane and then using labeled probes or antibodies to detect the target molecules. The function of blotting can be summarized as follows:

  1. Southern blotting is used to detect specific DNA sequences in a sample, such as to identify the presence or absence of a particular gene or to study genetic variation.
  2. Northern blotting is used to detect specific RNA molecules in a sample, such as to measure gene expression levels or to identify alternatively spliced transcripts.
  3. Western blotting is used to detect specific protein molecules in a sample, such as to identify the presence of a particular protein, to measure protein expression levels, or to study protein interactions and modifications.
  4. Eastern blotting is used to detect specific post-translational modifications of proteins, such as glycosylation, which can play important roles in protein function.
  5. Far-western blotting is used to study protein-protein interactions, such as to identify binding partners or to study protein complexes.

Overall, blotting techniques have revolutionized the field of molecular biology by allowing researchers to study the structure and function of biomolecules with great precision and specificity. These techniques are widely used in medical research, biotechnology, and other areas of life sciences.


Blotting techniques are powerful tools for molecular biology research, but they can also be subject to various complications that can affect the accuracy and reliability of results. Some of the most common complications of blotting techniques include:

  1. Non-specific binding: Non-specific binding of probes or antibodies can lead to false-positive results, which can occur when the probe or antibody binds to other molecules in the sample besides the target molecule.
  2. Incomplete transfer: Incomplete transfer of biomolecules from the gel to the membrane can lead to incomplete detection or false-negative results, which can occur when some of the target molecules are not transferred to the membrane.
  3. Background noise: Background noise can result from non-specific binding or incomplete washing of the membrane, which can make it difficult to distinguish true signal from background noise.
  4. Cross-reactivity: Cross-reactivity can occur when the probe or antibody recognizes similar molecules in the sample, which can lead to false-positive or false-negative results.
  5. Variation in sample preparation: Variation in sample preparation, such as differences in RNA or protein extraction, can lead to differences in sample quality and quantity, which can affect the accuracy and reproducibility of results.

To avoid these complications, researchers should carefully optimize the experimental conditions, including probe or antibody concentration, washing conditions, and transfer efficiency. Quality control measures should also be implemented to monitor the performance of the blotting technique and to ensure the accuracy and reliability of results.

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