Diabetes Drugs


  • Goals of diabetes treatment
    • lower serum glucose to physiologic range
    • keep insulin levels in physiologic range
    • eliminate insulin resistance
    • best initial step in management: weight loss, contractile-based exercise
      • weight loss is more important for insulin sensitivity than is a low-carb diet
  • Modalities of diabetes treatment
    • type I DM
      • insulin
      • low-sugar diet
    • type II DM
      • exercise
      • diet
      • insulin
      • 6 classes of drugs shown below
ClassExample↑ Insulin secretion↑ Insulin sensitivity↓ Glucose production↓ Glucose absorptionWeightHypoglycemia
InsulinInsulin    ++
SulfonylureasGlyburide++++ ++
MeglitinidesNateglinide++++ ++
BiguanidesMetformin +++  None
Glitazones (thiazolidinediones)Pioglitazone +++/- ↑↓+
α-glucosidase inhibitorsAcarbose   ++ None
GLP-1 mimetics (incretin mimetics)Exenatide++ + +
Amylin analogPramlintide+ +  +  


  • Insulin is only given parenterally (subcutaneous or IV)
  • Various preparations have different durations of action
  • Other preparations include aspart (rapid), detemir (long) 
PreparationOnset (hrs)Peak (hrs)Duration (hrs)
Lispro (rapid-acting)15 min0.5-1.53-4
Regular (short-acting)0.5-12-45-7
NPH (intermediate)1-26-1218-24
Glargine (long-acting)1None>24
  • Mechanism
    • bind transmembrane insulin receptor
      • activate tyrosine kinase
      • phosphorylate specific substrates in each tissue type
    • liver
      • ↑ glycogenesis
        • store glucose as glycogen
    • muscle
      • ↑ glycogen and protein synthesis
      • ↑ K+ uptake 
    • fat
      • increase triglyceride storage
  • Clinical use
    • type I DM
    • type II DM
    • life-threatening hyperkalemia
      • increases intracellular K+
    • stress-induced hyperglycemia
  • Toxicity
    • hypoglycemia
    • hypersensitivity reaction (very rare)
  • Insulin Synthesis
    • first generated as preproinsulin with an A chain and B chain connected by a C peptide. 
  • c-peptide is cleaved from proinsulin after packaging into vesicles leaving behind the A and B chains 


  • Drugs
    • first generation
      • tolbutamide
      • chlorpropamide
    • second generation
      • glyburide
      • glimepiride
      • glipizide
  • Mechanism
    • glucose normally triggers insulin release from pancreatic β cells by increasing intracellular ATP
      • → closes K+ channels → depolarization → ↑ Ca2+ influx → insulin release
    • sulfonylureas mimic action of glucose by closing K+ channels in pancreatic β cells 
      • → depolarization → ↑ Ca2+ influx → insulin release
    • continued use results in
      • ↓ glucagon release
      • ↑ insulin sensitivity in muscle and liver
  • Clinical use
    • type II DM
      • stimulates release of endogenous insulin 
    • cannot be used in type I DM due to complete lack of islet function
  • Toxicity 
    • first generation
      • disulfiram-like effects
        • especially chlorpropamide
    • second generation
      • hypoglycemia 
  • weight gain


  • Drugs
    • nateglinide
    • repaglinide
  • Mechanism 
    • binds to K+ channels on β-cells → postprandial insulin release
      • different site than sulfonylureas
  • Clinical use
    • type 2 diabetes mellitus
      • may be used as monotherapy, or in combination with metformin
  • Toxicity
    • ↑ risk of hypoglycemia
      • at even greater risk in those with renal failure
  • weight gain


  • Drugs
    • metformin
  • Mechanism
    • ↓ hepatic gluconeogenesis 
      • exact mechanism unknown
      • appears to inhibit complex 1 of respiratory chain
    • may also
      • ↑ insulin sensitivity
      • ↑ glycolysis
      • ↓ serum glucose levels
    • ↓ postprandial glucose levels
  • Clinical use
    • first-line therapy in type II DM
  • Toxicity
    • no hypoglycemia
    • no weight gain
    • lactic acidosis is most serious side effect 
  • contraindicated in renal failure  

Glitazones (thiazolidinediones)

  • Thiazolidinediones, also known as the “-glitazones”
  • Drugs
    • pioglitazone
    • rosiglitazone
  • Mechanism
    • bind to nuclear receptors involved in transcription of genes mediating insulin sensitivity
      • peroxisome proliferator-activating receptors (PPARs)
    • ↑ insulin sensitivity in peripheral tissue
    • ↓ gluconeogenesis
    • ↑ insulin receptor numbers
    • ↓ triglycerides
  • Clinical use
    • type II DM
      • as monotherapy or in combination with other agents
      • contraindicated in CHF
        • associated with increased risk of MI (in particular rosiglitazone)
  • Toxicity 
    • weight gain
    • edema 
      • peripheral edema
      • pulmonary edema 
    • hepatotoxicity
    • CV toxicity
  • less risk of hypoglycemia vs. sulfonylureas

α-glucosidase inhibitors

  • Drugs  
    • acarbose
    • miglitol
  • Mechanism
    • inhibit α-glucosidases in intestinal brush border
      • delayed sugar hydrolysis
      • delayed glucose absorption
      • ↓ postprandial hyperglycemia
      • ↓ insulin demand
  • Clinical use
    • type II DM
      • as monotherapy or in combination with other agents
  • Toxicity
    • no hypoglycemia
  • GI upset

Amylin mimetics

  • Drugs
    • pramlintide
  • Mechanism
    • synthetic analogue of human amylin that acts in conjunction with insulin
    • ↓ release of glucagon
    • delays gastric emptying
  • Clinical use
    • type I and II DM
  • Toxicity
    • hypoglycemia
      • if given with insulin
    • nausea
  • diarrhea

GLP-1 analogs

  • Drugs
    • exenatide
  • Mechanism
    • GLP-1 is an incretin released from the small intestine that aids glucose-dependent insulin secretion
      • basis for drug mechanism is the observation that more insulin secreted with oral glucose load compared to IV
    • exenatide is a GLP-1 agonist
      • ↑ insulin
      • ↓ glucagon release
    • the class of dipeptidyl peptidase inhibitors ↓ degradation of endogenous GLP-1
      • e.g.) sitagliptin, -gliptins 
  • Clinical use
    • type II DM
  • Toxicity
    • nausea, vomiting
    • pancreatitis
    • hypoglycemia
  • if given with sulfonylureas

SGLT-2 Inhibitors

  • Drugs 
    • canagliflozin
    • empagliflozin
  • Mechanism
    • glucose is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule of the nephron by the sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2)
    • SGLT2-inhibitors lower serum glucose by increasing urinary glucose excretion 
    • the mechanism of action is independent of insulin secretion or action
  • Clinical use
    • type II DM
  • Toxicity
    • dehydration
    • urinary and genital infections