Drug | Gluco corticoid activity | Mineralo corticoid activity | Duration |
Cortisol | 1 | 1 | Short |
Prednisone | 4 | 0.3 | Medium |
Triameinolone | 5 | 0 | Intermediate |
Betamethasone | 25 | 0 | Long |
Dexamethasone | 30 | 0 | Long |
- Mechanism
- Clinical use
- anti-inflammatory
- immunosuppression
- cancer chemotherapy (prednisone most common)
- Hodgkin’s lymphomas
- part of MOPP regimen
- Addison disease
- asthma
- Toxicity
- must taper dose to avoid toxicity
- suppression of ACTH → shock state if abrupt withdrawal
- cortical atrophy
- malaise
- myalgia
- arthralgia
- fever
- iatrogenic Cushing syndrome
- characteristics fat deposition
- buffalo hump
- moon facies
- truncal obesity
- muscle weakness and atrophy
- thin skin, easy bruising
- acne
- characteristics fat deposition
- osteoporosis
- vertebral fractures
- aseptic hip necrosis
- ↓ skeletal growth in children
- hyperglycemia (diabetes)
- due to ↑ gluconeogenesis
- glaucoma, cataracts, and other complications can subsequently result
- ↑ GI acid release
- ulcers
- Na+ retention
- edema, HTN
- hypokalemia alkalosis
- hypocalcemia
- ↓ wound healing
- ↑ infections
- mental status changes
- cataracts