- A 42-year-old African American woman presents to her physician’s office for an annual visit. She has a long-standing history of hypertension and is currently not on any medication. On routine laboratory examination, she is found to have a creatinine of 1.5 mg/dL. Urine studies reveal mild proteinuria. Her physician prescribes lisinopril for her hypertension and likely renal disease.
- Clinical definition
- this represents renal sclerosis
- nephrosclerosis is associated with chronic hypertension
- this is distinct from malignant hypertension or malignant nephrosclerosis
- nephrosclerosis is associated with chronic hypertension
- this represents renal sclerosis
- Epidemiology
- demographics
- common in people of African descent
- risk factors
- hypertension
- chronic renal disease
- demographics
- Pathogenesis
- involves the vasculature, glomeruli, tubules, and interstitium of the kidney
- chronic hypertension causes medial and intimal hypertrophy
- this causes narrowed vessels and ischemia
- ischemic damage to kidneys also can cause glomerulosclerosis
- vessel walls are further damaged by hyaline-like material deposition
- ischemic damage to kidneys also can cause glomerulosclerosis
- this causes narrowed vessels and ischemia
- chronic hypertension causes medial and intimal hypertrophy
- involves the vasculature, glomeruli, tubules, and interstitium of the kidney
- interstitial nephritis is often found on biopsy and the exact mechanism is unknown
- Symptoms
- hypertension precedes proteinuria or renal insufficiency
- Physical exam
- typically benign
- Labs
- ↑ creatinine
- ↑ blood urea nitrogen
- ↑ uric acid
- Urinalysis
- few casts
- typically benign
- mild proteinuria (< 1 g/day)
- Gross specimen
- cobblestone appearance
- Diagnostic criteria
- hypertension precedes proteinuria or renal insufficiency
- no other causes of renal disease
- biopsy is not necessary
- Malignant nephrosclerosis
- Medical
- angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
- indications
- for all patients with hypertension-associated nephrosclerosis
- indications
- angiotensin II receptor blockers
- indications
- angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
- if ACE inhibitors are contraindicated
- Renal failure
- typically only occurs in patients with concomitant other renal disease