Mycobacterium Tuberculosis


  • A 33-year-old man presents to his primary care physician for a cough and generalized malaise. His symptoms are associated with 2 episodes of mild hemoptysis and night sweats. He denies any sick contacts or recent travels; however, he states he was released from prison 4 months ago. Physical examination is unremarkable. A chest radiograph is obtained, which demonstrates pulmonary infiltrates and cavitations in the upper lobe.


  • Classification
    • acid-fast, rod-shaped, obligate aerobic, intracellular bacteria 
  • Epidemiology
    • risk factors
      • traveling to endemic areas (e.g., Angola and the Central African Republic)
      • close contact (e.g., prisons, nursing homes, homeless shelters, and hospitals)
      • immunocompromised (e.g., HIV, immunosuppressive medications, and diabetes)
  • Transmission
    • airborne spread of droplet nuclei from patients with infectious tuberculosis (TB)
  • Microbiology
    • acid-fast on Ziehl-Neelsen staining 
    • immune system itself causes damage
      • TB contains no endotoxins or exotoxins
    • cord factor 
      • inhibits leukocyte migration
      • causes characteristic serpentine growth pattern
      • induces TNF-α release
    • tuberculin
      • triggers cell-mediated immunity → caseation and granulomas
      • triggers delayed hypersensitivity reaction
      • a surface protein
    • sulfatides
      • prevent phagosome-lysosome fusion
  • Pathogenesis
    • the infected person coughs up small droplets containing the bacteria that reaches the terminal alveoli of the uninfected person
      • alveolar macrophages are recruited, which eventually become infected, transporting the microbe to deeper tissues 
      • more alveolar macrophages are recruited, leading to granuloma formation 
        • granulomas are formed to “wall off” TB, where it lies dormant  
    • secondary TB occurs when the patient’s immune system is weakened (e.g., newly acquired HIV infection, being on immunosuppressant medications, malignancy, and poor nutrition)
      • macrophages’ ability to maintain their barrier decreases, facilitating possible dissemination 
  • TB infection typically manifests in the apical/posterior segments of the lung due to its increased oxygen tension


  • TB can lead to pulmonary and extrapulmonary manifestations
    • lymph nodes (tuberculous lymphadenitis)
    • pleura
    • genitourinary
    • skeleton (can lead to Pott disease with spinal involvement)
    • meninges
    • gastrointestinal system
    • pericardium (tuberculous pericarditis)
  • Symptoms
    • typically asymptomatic in primary TB
    • cough
    • hemoptysis
    • fever
    • night sweats
    • malaise
  • Physical exam
    • weight loss
    • lymphadenopathy
    • dullness to percussion or decreased/absent breath sounds if there is a pleural effusion
  • back pain in spinal TB (Pott disease)


  • Chest radiograph
    • indication
      • initial imaging study in the evaluation of TB
    • findings
      • middle or lower lung infiltrate (suggestive of primary infection)
      • upper lobe infiltrate (suggestive of latent TB reactivation)
        • apices have higher oxygen tension and reduced perfusion/lymph clearance compared to the base 
      • cavitary lesions 
  • Ghon complex (lobar or perihilar lymph node involvement) 


  • Sputum acid-fast testing
    • demonstrates acid-fast bacilli
  • Real-time nucleic acid amplification
    • rapidly confirms TB and is considered the first-line diagnostic study
  • Tuberculin skin test (TST)
    • most widely used to screen for latent TB infection
    • a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction against purified protein derivative (PPD) is induced
      • the size of the induration is assessed after 48-72 hours
      • note, patients who received the Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination will have false positive results
      • a false negative result can be seen in immunocompromised patients
    • interpretation (positive results)
      • ≥ 15 mm in patients with no risk factors
      • ≥ 10 mm in patients with risk factors (e.g., healthcare worker, traveling to endemic areas, and being in prison)
      • ≥ 5 mm in immunocompromised patients (e.g., HIV, on immunosuppressants, and organ transplant recipients)
      • positive tests require a chest radiograph
  • Interferon-γ release assay
    • measures interferon levels released by the patient’s immune system in response to TB antigens
  • the results are not affected by previous BCG vaccination


  • Lung cancer
    • differentiating factor
  • patients will not have positive TB studies


  • Medical
    • rifampin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol therapy 
      • indication
        • first-line treatment for active pulmonary TB infection for 4 months
          • after 4 months, treatment involves isoniazid and rifampin
      • comments
        • isoniazid can cause peripheral neuropathy as well as sideroblastic anemia due to vitamin B6 deficiency, thus warranting pyridoxine in hopes to prevent this development from occurring  
          • can also cause hepatitis
        • ethambutol can cause optic neuropathy 
        • mutations in RNA polymerase lead to rifampin resistance 
    • isoniazid monotherapy
      • indication
  • prophylactic treatment for latent primary TB after active TB has been excluded 


  • Pott disease
  • Miliary or disseminated TB
  • Meningitis
  • Pericarditis
  • Lymphadenitis
  • Adrenal insufficiency