Type | Example | Associated Pathology |
Acanthocyte (spur cell) | | Liver disease, abeta lipoproteinemia |
Basophilic stippling | | Lead poisoning |
Bite cell | | G6PD deficiency |
Elliptocyte | | Hereditary elliptocytosis |
Macro-ovalocyte | | Megaloblastic anemia, marrow failure |
Ringed sideroblasts | | Sideroblastic anemia |
Schistocyte, helmet cell | | DIC, TTP/HUS, traumatic hemolysis |
Schizont | | Malaria |
Sickle cell | | Sickle cell anemia |
Spherocyte | | Hereditary spherocytosis, autoimmune hemolysis |
Teardrop cell | | A result of mechanical damage when RBC squeezes through fibrosis to exit bone marrow |
Target cell | | Asplenia, liver disease, thalassemia, HbC disease |
Heinz bodies | | Due to oxidation of hemoglobin sulfahydryl groups to disulfide bonds resulting in hemoglobin precipitationSplenic macrophages remove precipitated hemoglobin resulting in bite cellsAssociated with G6PD |
Howell-Jolly bodies | | Basophilic nuclear remnants found in RBCs associated with functional hyposplenia or |