Spread of Excitation


  • A 30-year-old man presents to the emergency room for palpitations and a syncopal episode. His blood pressure is 140/95 mmHg, pulse is 180/min, and respirations are 20/min. An electrocardiogram is ordered and reveals a supraventricular tachycardia. Vagal maneuvers are attempted with no effect. An intravenous medication that slows conduction through the atrioventricular node is started. (Adenosine)


  • Two types of muscle cells exist in the heart
    • contractile cells
      • working cells of the heart that contract
    • conducting cells
      • tissues
        • sinoatrial (SA) node
          • generate action potentials spontaneously
        • atrioventricular (AV) node
        • atrial intermodal tracts
        • bundle of His
        • Purkinje system
      • rapidly spread action potentials
  • except for the SA node, all other tissues’ ability to generate action potentials are suppressed

Spread of Excitation

  • SA node → atrial intermodal tracts → left and right atria → AV node → bundle of His → Purkinje system → ventricles 
  • SA node
    • serves as the pacemaker, generating the action potential
  • AV node
    • slows conduction velocity
      • ensures ventricles have enough time to relax and fill with blood before contraction
      • rapid conductions through AV node can lead to decreased stroke volume and cardiac output
  • His-Purkinje system is very rapid
    • low-resistance pathways
    • essential for efficient contraction
  • Relative conduction velocities 
    • Purkinje fibers > atria > ventricles > AV node