Stages of Development

AgeGross MotorFine MotorCommunicationCognitive
2 monthsHolds head up when proneEyes track past the midlineAlert to soundSocial smile Recognize Parent 
4 monthsRolls front to backSits when proppedGrasps a rattleLaughsSoothed by voice Orients towards voice 
6 monthsSits aloneCrawlsReaches with handsTransfer objectsBabblesStranger anxiety Feeds self 
9 monthsPulls to standImmature pincer graspSays mama and dadaWaves bye Plays gesture games 
12 monthsWalking aloneFine pincer graspFew wordsOne step commands Points to object 
15 monthsStoops and recoversScribbles3-5 words Uses spoon and cup 
18 months Runs wellStacks 3 cubesPoints to 1-3 body parts  Helps in the house 
24 monthsThrow and kick ball Draw a line50 word vocabulary50% intelligableParallel play Removes clothing 
3 years Rides tricycleCopies a circle3 word sentences75% intelligable Brushes teeth with help 
4 years   Hops on 1 footCopies a squarePlays cooperatively 100% intelligableKnows 4 colors 
5 yearsSkips Copies a triangle Defines words5 word sentencesDresses self
School Age  
6-10 yearsReads Understands death 
11-18 years Formal operationsAbstract reasoningFormation of personality 

Tanner Stages of Sexual Development

StageMale ChangesFemale Changes
 Pubic hair develops↑ Testes sizePubic hair developsBreast tissue elevation
3↑ Pubic hair, darkens, and becomes curly ↑ Penis size/length↑ Pubic hair, darkens, and becomes curly
↑ Penis widthDarker scrotal skinDevelopment of glansRaised areola
5AdultAdultAreola is no longer raised