- A 32-year-old woman complains of fatigue and difficulty swallowing for the past month. The patient has also noted that her voice has been sounding different for the past 2 weeks. On physical exam there is a palpable, nontender nodule in the front of her neck that moves with swallowing. There is no cervical lymphadenopathy. Ultrasound of the neck shows a 1.9 cm nodule with microcalcifications.
- Overview
- primary malignancy of thyroid gland
- secondary metasteses can occur from other cancers
- breast, colon, renal, and melanoma
- Epidemiology
- incidence
- increasing in past 15 years
- papillary thyroid cancer (most common) has incidence of 15 per 100,000
- demographics
- papillary more common in women
- anaplastic more common in elderly
- risk factors
- < 30 or > 70 years of age
- history of radiation to head/neck
- family history of
- medullary thyroid cancer
- multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndrome type 2
- Cowden syndrome
- familial adenomatous polyposis
- incidence
- Prognosis
- papillary has very good prognosis
- anaplastic has very poor prognosis
- Papillary
- overview
- female dominance
- often multifocal
- risk factors include radiation exposure to the head and neck
- spreads via lymphatics
- very good prognosis
- overview
- Follicular carcinoma
- overview
- usually unifocal
- small number evolved from a benign follicular adenoma
- most commonly spreads hematogenously
- lungs most common location of metastasis
- good prognosis
- histology
- preservation of normal thyroid follicular architecture but with proliferation
- uniform follicles
- preservation of normal thyroid follicular architecture but with proliferation
- overview
- Medullary
- overview
- derived from calcitonin-synthesizing C cells
- may present with hypocalcemia
- may produce ACTH
- typically unifocal thyroid nodule
- patients have elevated serum calcitonin (tumor marker)
- risk factors
- previous radiation to neck
- family history
- derived from calcitonin-synthesizing C cells
- overview
- Anaplastic
- overview
- more common in elderly
- can be superimposed on multinodular goiter or follicular cancer
- overview
- very poor prognosis
- Symptoms
- dysphagia and hoarseness
- can be due to direct compression by mass
- can indicate tumor invasion/nerve involvement
- dysphagia and hoarseness
- Physical exam
- neck mass or palpable thyroid nodule
- +/- cervical lymphadenopathy
- suggests metastasis
- Thyroid scintigraphy (radioactive iodine uptake test)
- indications
- patients with decreased thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels
- indications
- Ultrasonography
- indications
- all patients with thyroid nodule
- indications
- hypoechoic nodule > 1 cm with smooth margins
- TSH levels
- decreased TSH more concerning for malignancy
- follow up with thyroid scintigraphy (radioactive iodine uptake test)
- normal/elevated TSH less concerning for malignancy
- follow up with ultrasound
- decreased TSH more concerning for malignancy
- Serum calcitonin
- tumor marker for medullary thyroid cancer
- Fine needle aspiration (FNA)
- indications
- all “cold” nodules on radioactive iodine uptake scan
- nodules that meet high or intermediate suspicion criteria based on ultrasound
- nodules that are low suspicion on ultrasound but have all of the following properties
- isoechoic, hyperechoic solid nodule, or partially cystic nodule
- has eccentric solid areas
- indications
- size > 1.5 cm
- Benign thyroid nodule
- key distinguishing factors
- more likely to be tender
- associated hypo- or hyperthyroidism
- key distinguishing factors
- typically “hot” on radioactive iodine uptake test
- Medical
- iodine radiotherapy
- indications
- papillary thyroid cancer
- following surgical management in high-risk and some intermediate-risk patients
- indications
- thyroid hormone supplementation
- indications
- almost all patients following initial medical/surgical management
- prevents hypothyroidism
- minimizes potential TSH stimulation of tumor growth
- modalities
- daily oral levothyroxine
- indications
- iodine radiotherapy
- Surgical
- thyroidectomy
- indications
- FNA findings that either confirm malignancy or are suspicious for malignancy
- risk of damage to recurrent laryngeal nerve during surgery
- indications
- thyroidectomy
- persistent hoarseness
- Metastasis to other organs
- Death